Printed Chess Set Prelim Models

Topographic Chess Pieces

In class I had three concepts that I spent time flushing out. 

The first is of these organic shapes that are created based upon a world that I doodle frequently. So this would be a "snug" chess piece set. Each piece representational of the kind of flora present in a snug world.

The next, I tried to just abstract the shapes that are familiar to me. Instantly I saw a face and ran with that. So these would all be massive heads. Grumpy like palace royalty often are in fiction. 

The last is what I ended up rolling with mainly for process. In Bryans office hours I found out how to use [heightfield] to sculpt a topographical ring. 

For my first mockup's I went with my 3rd concept which had more of a layout on how I would be assembling the pieces. 

Using [heightfield] to create a texture on which I layed onto a cylinder surface. The shape was created using [taper].

Each head was created using a circle planar surface to [flow] the heightfield texture on a sphere. Cut and mirrored to complete the heads. 

The topographic chess pieces are displayed in this pink hue. This is how I would see them finished


These shapes would be hard to create plaster molds in which to slip cast. In my process I go back to applying it to my studio work. I enjoy being able to manufacture these complicated shapes however the tactile aspect is missed. 



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