Milestone Project 1

Fractal Flowers


During this assignment, I was bound to the extent of my home due to my ill toddler Luna. I never considered myself interested in patterns, or never gave them much external thought. I Learnt :) that I have a range of taste.
From neat and tidy lines with bold color to floral ornate intricacy, I found out more about my tastes than I gathered.  

My Favorite Pillow
Gift Bag.

Colorful Latched Trunk

Laundry Basket!
My favourite tablecloth

Zebra Hats!

My Favorite Antique Stool.
Antique Pillow

My Daughters Rug
Thrift Pillow

Floral Body Pillow

Building my Creation I focused on one main designer for inspiration. 

Taking the sunflower from "Make these Shapes 2"

I loosely brainstorm what a floral pattern as that would even look like. 

The Flower is a Fractal into a Fractal into A fractal.

This gave me the idea that I must start with a shape and repeat in some way. 

As the flower begins to form [Array Polar] we start to grip its character.

I played with the idea of fractals using [scale].
Thanks, Brian for teaching me how to Record Video using [Screen Recorder] Add on via Google Extensions.

There I was able to document this Fractal!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This is the same petal but with 6 petals instead of the 5, I chose.

Exploring my options. 

I created an abstraction of the interior pedal frame. 

This I would have used for a filler. 

I am curious if anyone else realized that there is a CRUCIAL step that they missed that would have saved SO MANY HUMAN HOURS.

I [split] and [join]ed until the cows came home. LUCKILY THERE IS ARRAY POLAR <3

These were my layers. Layers 04, 10, and 08 were all separate colors that helped me understand where I was [split]ting and [join]ing. These curves I just blacked out when I was finished. 


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