[Outsourced Wearable Object] Topographic Ring

My first designs were very much inspired by texture and what I imagine would be interesting to fidget with. 

These two are the finished ring designs that I feel are very interesting due to shape and texture. 

In creating this topographical ring I used [Heightfield] to import a texture into Rhino and create a surface based on the white grey black scale. 

These are some more creations that I chose not to run with for production. 

With and Without fillet.

I attempted to try the heightfield texture on these spheres or gems to create more texture but was unsuccessful. atempted [flow onto srf] and was also unsuccessful.

Flowing a texture onto a sphere is something I would like to touch base on and learn. 

This design was made by have a bent base curve, more exploration with multiple bands and joining could be an interesting avenue. 

This ring was my first design, however I became rather stuck with it due to many curves joining improperly. It was rather enduring trying to fix this. 

To get the band pattern was a laborious abstraction

This ring still feels incomplete as I wasn't able to [boolean union] the sphere over top of this broken join.


Peer - to - Peer

Class critique was cut short, unfortunately I didn't start the critique very well off. I explained some problems I ran into and how it directed me to making a certain type of ring. The critique then became one of solving those IT\ Rhino problems instead of which ring to go with. It did solve my issues with a few rings, however I did not end up going with those designs anyways.

I sent the topographic ring to Shapeways. 

This is the render for my second choice ring. 


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