
Showing posts from February, 2020

Castle Project!!

This is my outro, instead of an intro. I enjoyed getting to do this at the end, unfortunately I could not make it to the first class due to critical illness, still giggling in shock about cancer. lol. Okay so this took zero time, after so much practice I feel super great. I mocked this castle, this eventual floating castle within an hour. It was too fast that I did not save for a render. However I did manage to take these 6 snaps before taking a break (inevitably to find someone booted me off and I lost all my work.) Choices. Save you work! The plane was too flat. Decided to make it floating. So I wanted a render, and wanted to do something while I taught fenn some things. Because its in mm, the render looks ridiculous. The grass is the same size as the door. Learning..... FIN.