
Castle Project!!

This is my outro, instead of an intro. I enjoyed getting to do this at the end, unfortunately I could not make it to the first class due to critical illness, still giggling in shock about cancer. lol. Okay so this took zero time, after so much practice I feel super great. I mocked this castle, this eventual floating castle within an hour. It was too fast that I did not save for a render. However I did manage to take these 6 snaps before taking a break (inevitably to find someone booted me off and I lost all my work.) Choices. Save you work! The plane was too flat. Decided to make it floating. So I wanted a render, and wanted to do something while I taught fenn some things. Because its in mm, the render looks ridiculous. The grass is the same size as the door. Learning..... FIN.

[Milestone 2] Reverse Engineered Harmonica

The Harmonica! So much thanks goes to Bryan for helping me accomplish this. So much relief that it is completed. This project was tedious and it proved many lessons within design and the complexities of objects we feel are fairly simple. With every road block came much education and I appreciate what I have learned and am so grateful to be able to watch these render.

[Milestone 2] Reverse Engineered Object

Progress Dec 13 Looks good assembled however, it does not line up properly.  Lots of mistakes to edit. Do I remake the body or just move the geometry of the second piece. 

Milestone Project Review

Surface Design  Reverse Engineered Project ****** Updated Dec 13th Outsourced Wearable Object 3D Printed Chess Set

Possible Product for future use.

Image Taking a look into Hemp plastics. I dont feel good with all the instagram advertisements buzzing in my face about how this stuff is easy to make and so therefore get after it.  The more plastic in the world. The worse. I really have a problem with that. 

Are my pieces too small?

Is this too small??? 

Chess Designs Further

Anamorphic Chess Set Explored Process Proud of this crown. Took the bottom of the stem. [Bend] & [Arraypolar] to create crown like structure. The center is so so satisfying.  Not sure of its print-ability. Some brainstorming ideas Here is the assembly of possible chess pieces.